jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Thursday, March 19th

Hello kids! I hope you are doing well. 
Today we will continue learning sounds. 

Do you remember the t song?
Here's the video for you to sing along. 

Remember that everytime you say the t sound, you have to turn your head from side to side as if you were watching a tennis match. 
Ready? Now, get your English Copybook and your pencil case. Remember that you need to concentrate so you should find a quiet place to work. 
1)Take a look at the photocopy.
Click the image to print

2) Practice tracing the letter t with your finger in the air (Follow the arrows). 

3) Now, grab some colour pencils and trace the letter.
Remember to complete the blank spaces!

4)Colour the pictures and take a look at them.
We can see a tennis racket, a turtle and a teddy bear
Can you think of any other word with this sound? 

5)Finally, copy the date (Today is Thursday 19th) and stick the copy.

Have an excellent day! See you tomorrow!

"Aquellas familias que no tengan los medios para imprimir las actividades los alumnos pueden responder las consignas en sus cuadernos/carpetas indicando a qué actividad refiere. NO es necesario que salgan  a imprimir ningún documento. Lo mismo aplica a experiencias o propuestas que necesiten de algún material, si no lo tienen en casa y no puede ser reemplazado, pueden completar las otras propuestas de actividades".

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