jueves, 16 de julio de 2020

🐰 Thursday, July 16th

We are getting together to talk about portfolios
Have your copybook ready!

Group 1 at 9.00 am with Dante Z and Tyron

Group 2 at 9:20 am with Pilar and Chloe

How are today? 

Jobs! What do you want to be?

Activity for the copybook: 📔

1) 🖨️Print or ✍️  the following photocopy

2) ✍️  Write the date in the copybook Thursday 16th

 3)✍️ Write the title: I can read words!

4) 🎨Get your color pencils and Color the drawings.

5) ✂️Cut the cvc words on the right 

6) 🧴 Stick the words in the correct square.

7) 👁️‍🗨️ Read the sentences.

8) 🧴 Stick the photocopy in your copybook.


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At 10:00 am: Mateo, Ticiana, Felipe, Jade, Lucía, Simón, Dante Z., Catalina, Valentino, Matilda , Vito, Maitena and Marcos

At 10:50am: Constanza, Dante G., Emilia, Joaquín, Santiago, Pilar, Tyron, Tomás, Chloe, Andrea

see you!
❤️❤️Miss Connie❤️❤️

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