jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2020

🦖 Thursday, September 3rd

  Hello kids! Good morning!

Dino Hello Sticker by Carousel for iOS & Android | GIPHY

Today is Thursday!

Let's start with SOUNDS

Watch the following video and play with the vowel teams!

And now we focus on ie sound!

Activity for the copybook: 📔

1) ✍️  Write the date: Thursday 3rd 

2) ✍️  Write the title: ie sound

3) 🔊 Listen to the following audios

4) ✍️Complete the sentences:

(copy them in your copybook)

a) I have two ...

b) It's a blue ...

c) The baby...


Remember that today we meet!

You need to have your copybook, your photocopy

and a pencil case with you!

✏️  📔 📝 

During the videoconference we will complete the following photocopy:

😊That is all for today! Well done!😊


💚Loves, Miss Connie💚💚

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