martes, 27 de octubre de 2020

💞 Tuesday, October 27th 💞

Good morning, Bunnies! 

💚💙I hope you are all fine! 💚💙

Watch the following video...

📙Activity for the copybook: 

Print or copy the following photocopy: 

✏️ Write the date: Tuesday 27th.

✏️ Write the title: Pete the cat! 

Remember that today we meet!

You need to have 1 paper roll, markers,

1 sheet of paper and glue


That’s all for today

💕Loves, Miss Connie💕

RECORDATORIO para viernes 30th

Materiales: Vamos a hacer un collage. Podemos tener

  • papel glase, 

  • revistas

  • pastos, hojas

  • semillas

  • lanas, hilos

  • lo que tengas en casa para poder armar un poster!

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