miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

🐞 Wednesday, November 18th

🐞 Good morning, kids!🐞

I hope you are doing great!

Are you ready to start a new day? LET 'S DO IT! 

Let's go to the farm: What can you see? 👀

Now, get your book ...🐞

Online activity 💻: 


💻 Today we are going to complete a virtual worksheet!

Write yes on the animals that appear in the story 

Write no on the other animals

💻 Once you finish click on:

💻 Then, click on “Enviar Respuestas a mi profesor”

💻 Complete it with the following information:

-Your full name 

-Curso: 1

-Asignatura: English

- Teacher´s email account: ckenne@northfield.edu.ar



RECORDATORIO para el viernes 20


  • Markers

  • 1 red sheet of paper

  • 1 white sheet of paper

  • Glue

  • Pair of scissors 


💗Loves, Miss Connie💗

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